It is great that Kenyans from all walks of life are coming out to say “Enough is Enough is Enough” with Kenyan women being killed by men in the country.
The really scary thing now is that the murders of mostly young Kenyan women in the last few months seem to be planned, and brutal executions. And it goes on and on. That cannot be allowed in our country. It has to be stopped. How?
The public resistance to this violence against women in our country is a great weapon to fight to protect Kenyan women and girls including kids and it is a big step towards that goal. People coming out to speak loudly against violence against women are doing just what our country needs.
Why do Kenyan women and girls face violence and even killing from us men?
Are we, Kenyan men, evil?
I don’t think so.
Did our moms fail to teach us right?
I know my mother was my best teacher in everything including being a good person.
So what is wrong with men that they think they can oppress and control the lives of women they live with including their partners, sisters, daughters, etc?
In my honest and probably mistaken view, it is patriarchy in the way we were brought up.
Now before anybody jumps at me saying “who cares how we were brought up”?
I would say it was not bad. Actually, very good but life changes its realities and that is what we have to live with as human beings in the 21st century. Frankly, I don’t think it is a bad thing.
And let Kenya bring everybody into the fight. But surely every girl killed out there is a horror that must be stopped.
As a country we are not ready to talk about 6-7-year-old kids who are mutilated and some die from Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).
One day we will have to deal with that torture of baby girls in our country. The sooner that day comes the better. The country can do that without cultural recriminations. That is what happens in every country in the world.
For now, our focus has to deal with femicide in our country. Kenyans are very able to deal with that and they are taking it head on. Good start.