
Leave My Party, Uhuru Kenyatta to Rebel Jubilee MPs

2 mins read

Jubilee Party leader Uhuru Kenyatta has asked the outfit’s members who visited State House last week to resign.

The former head of state spoke on Friday at a meeting with his close allies in Nairobi after a faction of Jubilee Party members led by Kanini Kega and nominated MP Sabina Chege claimed to have expelled Jeremiah Kioni (Secretary General, David Murathe (Vice Chairperson) and Kagwe Gachohi (National Treasurer) from their positions.

”Those who went to State House and later convened an illegal meeting in Nakuru should immediately resign from my party. They did not invest anything in this party and were elected on the basis of my goodwill,” he said.

Uhuru Kenyatta went ahead to dismiss calls for his resignation from the party and vowed to stay put in the Azimio coalition.

“I am in Azimio and will ensure my party remains intact. I am not resigning as the party leader and it’s sad the retirement benefits is being used as a token to keep me away from executing my right to political association.”

Speaking the following day in Kisumu the East African Community peace envoy affirmed his support for Raila Odinga describing him as a politician whose unwavering quest for democracy and rights for Kenyans has helped the country.

”Hata kama nimewacha siasa active, mimi bado ni mfuasi wa Raila Odinga sasa akiniambia twende lazima twende. Mimi nilimuunga mkono wakati huo na bado nitamuunga kwa sababu naamini yeye ni mtu wa ukweli, anataka kuunganisha wakenya, anataka amani katika taifa letu na ni demokrasia na haki yangu kusupport ule mtu mimi nataka,” Uhuru said in Kisumu on Saturday.

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