I was 20 years old when I discovered I had cancer. In what started as a simple sore throat two years earlier, throat pain, difficulty in swallowing and cough are what I was experiencing at that particular moment and thought it was some kind of normal throat illness, Little did I know it was cancer.
I was 18 years Old a student at the Multimedia University of Kenya (M.M.U) The institution’s hospital gave me medication for a sore throat, which I expected to clear within days. It didn’t. I returned to the hospital.
The doctor examined me again. This time around, he detected two barely visible swellings on my neck, one on the right side and another at the base, concerned the doctor sent me to do an ultrasound to find out exactly what the swelling was.
It was then recommended that more detailed tests be done at the Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, where a sample was taken from the swelling through fine needle aspiration.
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From the laboratory, I took the results to the doctor, where to my relief, where I was told that it was just a simple goiter, a swelling of the neck caused by enlargement of the thyroid gland. The doctor, however, warned that if he did not do a thorough test we might be ignoring cancer.
In January 2019 I had my first surgery for the first time, performed at the Kenyatta National hospital a quarter of my thyroid gland, which had swollen nodules, was removed I felt much better as the pain lessened, but only for a short time.
The swelling on the right side of my neck persisted, and after some time, the pain returned. The doctors were hesitant to touch the swelling on the right side of my neck because it was lying on a jugular vein making it too risky to attempt removal, any mistake would have led to a grievous outcome. Yet the swelling did not respond to medication.
Instead, it grew into a cyst that had to be frequently drained, although analysis of the fluid did not show a particular disease. I was not at peace. A possibility of cancer had been mentioned, yet the test failed to show its presence. This made me worry that it was growing, unnoticed. The word cancer weighed on me for another reason: my father had died of prostate cancer when I was 10 years old.
I had been told that some cancers run in families, so I together with my siblings frequently went for cancer tests and screening to ensure we got treated as early as possible if we ever got it.
In March 2019 the pain returned, sending me back to Kenyatta National hospital in Kenya to have my throat and the swelling checked a few days later, I picked the results from the laboratory and took them to my doctor. He studied the papers and gently said:
“The results were not what I expected. It says here that you have thyroid cancer, but I think they need to redo the test just to be sure.” The second test confirmed the first results.
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Four years after going to the hospital with what I thought was a sore throat. I was confirmed to be having cancer, the doctors said it was in its crucial stages and referred me to a hospital in India for further treatment. I had no cash, my family, too couldn’t afford 15 million shillings that were being required by the doctor, so we decided to organize a fundraising to help get money to meet the hospital bills.
Luckily a well-wisher turned up and accepted to manage my hospital bills and in a week’s time I was flown to India and placed under medication.
While India life wasn’t easy I spent the better part of my life in deep thoughts thinking about my life and my family that was struggling back in Kenya, thinking about their family member who was miles and miles away from them, fighting for life. After four months and I was declared cancer-free and discharged from the hospital. Little did I know that wasn’t the case I still had a cancer tumor in my body.
After a month back home I developed similar complications I had, I was traumatized and almost gave up in life reaching a point where I nearly committed suicide, Until when I met jarred a friend who talked to me about herbal doctors.
He said he knew Kiwanga doctors, herbal doctors who treat various illnesses cancer being one of them. One
the fine morning we made an appointment with Kiwanga doctors.
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I was diagnosed thereafter, when I went for cancer screening I was declared cancer-free, the swellings on my neck have also ended its four months now after I was treated and aim in good health and back to my feet again, Credit to Kiwanga doctors. I advise anyone with cancer-related illness to visit Kiwanga doctors for treatment in a short period of time.
Kiwanga doctors also help in treating and healing a wide range of illnesses including High blood pressure, Sugar diabetes, toothache, lost appetite, short breath, Skin infections among others.
For consultation Call or WhatsApp on: +254 769404965 / E-mail: [email protected] or
visit the website www.kiwangadoctors.com