Even people like me who never drive in Nairobi streets know that unless those roads are opened up you are going nowhere.
Waiyaki Way used to be one of the best but even that is now clogged down. You can get your taxi or uber but you are going to be on the road for a long time wherever you are going.
One time we are going around Chiromo Campus on Waiyaki Way and the taxi can’t move. Then me and my crew of young family members just asked to walk and we paid the driver. It was much faster.
President Uhuru opening the Expressway in Nairobi is probably a historic event by any measure but it is more how it will be accessible to Nairobi folks and others to move it as we speak.
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Cut the gridlock which is almost like a full occupation in Nairobi. It takes more than a day’s work time for Nairobians. It is ridiculous. If this expressway can help alleviate that problem for people it could be a new dawn for the city transport system.
This could be a very new city and country in many ways but we are not going to count anything before it is hatched.
As of Saturday, May 14, 2022, the Nairobi Expressway will be open to the Kenyan public and the review of how that works is ongoing. That is fine but now you can express it all the way if you are a resident of Nairobi.

Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada