
Raila: Kenya has Succumbed to Armtwisting by Global Powers on GMO Food

2 mins read

Azimio leader Raila Odinga says Kenya has succumbed to what the coalition believes is a case of arm-twisting by global powers and multinational corporations to allow “GMO” foods into the country saying “GMO” foods is a major diplomatic and trade issue around the globe.

In a detailed evaluation of the Kenya Kwanza administration’s first 100 days in office, Mr. Odinga revealed Mexico, a key trading partner with the US is currently embroiled in conflict with the US over “GMOs” after abandoning “GMO” food and instead going for direct agreements with farmers in the United States, Argentina and Brazil to secure non-genetically modified yellow maize imports as it works on banning “GMO” foods in 2024.

”On the question of GMO imports, our foreign policy under William Ruto has failed. Why Kenya moved fast to accept “GMO” foods points to a diplomatic weakness in William Ruto, a cluelessness in Alfred Mutua and a recklessness in Moses Kuria,” Mr. Odinga’s report reads in part.

”We do not believe that Moses Kuria has the capacity to help Kenya navigate the international trading system and trade negotiations. We do not believe he has capacity to absorb and internalize even with the best advice from the best of technocrats. We do not believe his foreign affairs counterpart will be of much help either.”

As trade and diplomatic affairs have gotten intertwined, the Azimio leader says they require people with capacity to comprehend and navigate complex and rapidly evolving mass of political and economic arrangements, the impact of trade in national development interests and ability to address trade barriers and disputes.

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