Azimio Movement leader Raila Odinga will be in Nakuru tomorrow, hosted by Governor Lee Kinyanjui and Nakuru Town West MP Samuel Arama after a successful Azimio la Umoja rally in Narok on Saturday.

Mr. Odinga who was hosted in Ololunga by Maa leaders among them Environment CS Keraiko Tobiko, Senator Ledama Ole Kina and Narok Noth MP Moitalel Ole Kenta promised to push for the interests of the Maa community once he takes over from President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Today’s meeting also saw the Maasai Council of Elders affirm their support for Odinga, saying it was only him who had what it takes and the skill to protect the economic interests of the community.

Read: Kikuyu elders in Ugenya to cement unity pact with their Luo counterparts

Governors Lee Kinyanjui of Nakuru, Laikipia’s Nderitu Muriithi, Peter Keneth, Environment CS Keriako Tobiko, Youth Affairs PS Charles Sunkuli, Narok North MP Moitalel ole Kenta, Kajiado Central MP Memusi Kanchori, Senator Ledama Olekina were among leaders present.