Raila factor has Ruto meet his Luo reps at night

3 mins read

Apart from his meeting with Nyanza leaders, all other conventions by regional representatives leaning towards his 2022 bid, have been two to three-day retreats. In broad daylight at affluent locations, with open political discussions, in the full glare of cameras.

Early this month, on May 3rd Deputy President William Ruto, hosted a delegation of Mt Kenya leaders at the luxurious Maasai Mara game reserve, on an all-expense-paid retreat, to thank the group for their tireless ‘work’. Defending and fighting for the Hustler Nation in a region he currently enjoys a near-fanatical following. The colloquy was to draft and include the Mt. Kenya economic blueprint in the Hustler Nation’s 2022 manifesto.

“We will tap into the huge reservoir of knowledge, talent and expertise available to inform our policy process with knowledge that is grounded in our economic reality,” the Mt Kenya team of MPs said on May 5th, upon conclusion of the two-day retreat.

Retreat with Mt Kenya leaders from 3rd to 5th May

Two weeks later on May 14th, a group of Luo professionals, former politicians, and party leaders met in Nairobi to draft and present an economic agenda for the Luo-Nyanza region to the DP. Those at the meeting included former Kisumu Governor Jack Ranguma, former Cabinet Minister Dalmas Otieno, consultant Eliud Owalo and former Rangwe MP Martin Ogindo.

Also present was Citizens Convention Party leader Grace Akumu, former East Africa Portland Cement and Muhoroni Sugar Co Ltd managing director John Nyambok, former Vision 2030 director Judah Abekah, former Kenya Commercial Bank head of SMEs Christopher Migunde, and educationist Prof David Otieno Okelo.

Unlike his meeting with Mt Kenya leaders, Ruto asked to meet the Luo leaders in the night. And there was no official photo session with the Hustler Nation leader.

Retreat with Coast leaders currently underway

The Coast Economic Regeneration Forum is currently underway in Kilifi, and is individually sponsored by the DP who is personally present. The two-day retreat brings together delegations from Mombasa, Taita Taveta, Kwale, Kilifi, Lamu, and Tana River. Leading Hustler Nation point-men from the region such as Hassan Omar, MPs Mohammed Ali, and Aisha Jumwa are in attendance.

According to reports, DP William Ruto still has no confidence in his Luo Nyanza team, and the Raila factor plays a major role in him not publicly embracing his Nyanza team as he has with his Mt Kenya and Coast allies. Apart from Eliud Owalo who has been a regular visitor at the DP’s Karen residence, Ruto’s men intentionally avoided a photo session with politicians Dalmas Otieno and Jack Ranguma. The two leaders, together with Migori Governor Okoth Obado have vowed to face Raila Odinga in the region, in 2022.

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