ODM Deputy party leader Hassan Joho says he was frustrated when some parts of the Coast region failed to show up in the anti-government protests on the current high cost of living called by the Azimio Coalition last month.
Speaking in Mombasa after commemorating Eid-Ul-Fitr, the former governor also revealed he has been away receiving treatment out of the country and vows to join the demonstrations once he fully recovers from the surgery he had.
”The conversation on why we are taking to the streets is that the cost of living is untenable for the common Mwananchi. But some want to politicize it day, in day out. I was frustrated that some parts of the coastal region were not warmed up to the anti-government protests. I know we will wake up soon,” he noted.
”Health reasons have not allowed me and till now they haven’t allowed me to join the anti-government protest. When I was unwell I used to watch the antigovernmental protest on television and would be so sorry that I am not part of the protests,” Joho added.
He continued: ”The high cost of living that Kenyans are facing right now is because Ruto is prioritizing other things and not the bottom-up approach as he had promised during the campaigns. I subscribe fully to the ideologies of Raila.”
The former governor has maintained a low profile since the August 2022 General Election.