
Coffee Reforms: Govt Injects Additional 4B to the Coffee Cherry Revolving Fund

1 min read

The government has approved additional funding of Sh 4B to the New KPCU to enhance the new Coffee Cherry Revolving Fund.

According to a statement from the New Kenya Planters Co-operative Union on Wednesday morning, the enhanced fund will enable New KPCU to increase its coffee advance payment rates from the current Sh 20 per kg of cherry up to Ksh 80.

The Coffee Cherry Advance Revolving Fund (CCARF) was established to provide an affordable, sustainable, and accessible cherry advance to smallholder coffee farmers. These are farmers with land under coffee not exceeding 20 acres.

DP Rigathi Gachagua has been spearheading reforms in the Coffee sector to make the multi-billion industry profitable to the farmer.

New KPCU was given the mandate to manage and administer the CCARF to coffee farmers as per the Public Finance Management Act (Coffee Cherry Advance Revolving Fund) Regulations 2020.

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