What a great team Azimio is building in Nairobi. You bring Polycarp Igathe together with Tim Wanyonyi and Kamukunji M.P Yusuf Hassan you are looking at some magnificent political war room that is going to take Nairobi and the country by storm.
The UDA squad was on their knees praying that Tim becomes the spoiler of the Azimio unity in Nairobi. They underestimated Tim Wanyonyi’s intelligence and commitment to the big picture of stopping the UDA menace from coming anywhere near power in our country. Now they need to bring in their notebooks or laptops to take some notes on how the vision for the country overrides political parochialism.
“I am ready to serve the people of Westlands for the third time and I remain firmly in my party ODM and Azimio la Umoja One Kenya. To all my supporters’ thank you for believing in me, the dream lives on.”
The truth of the matter is that this election will be won on the basis of the team that brings a genuinely united group of leaders who want to achieve what is better for our country rather than people aspiring for individual glory at the expense of everything else. That is where the battle is.
Anytime a political group like Azimio la Umoja emerges their first test is if they can have a truly united front that helps to bring a united country together to move the country forward.
Azimio has built its agenda on achieving a united, peaceful, and prosperous country for all that they know Kenyans are craving for after years of turmoil and fights in our national leadership and government.
When you have an agenda like that you have to show it in your own internal practice and mechanisms. That is what seems to be working very well for Azimio team. Kenyans will unite behind them if they unite within their own political coalition.
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Unity is not about one person issuing orders and everybody else kneeling before them as the supreme leader. Azimio competitors in UDA may have that advantage that never works in real politics.
Azimio has big political parties and national leaders from so many dimensions and they have to craft the genius to pull all that together for the good of the country. If they do it right they will form our next government and take Kenyans to the level where they want to go as a people and a country. It is within reach.

That is what the Nairobi Azimio leaders have done. They have set the plate and the standard by which Azimio leaders will be judged as Kenyans head to the General Elections on August 9, 2022. It is a brilliant step forward for the coalition. I know somebody is trembling somewhere but that is not our worry at all.
Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada