Kenyan youth visiting President Uhuru Kenyatta at State House broke into the “Yote Yawezekana” song that William Ruto must have heard over and over during the battle to dislodge Moi from power which he (Moi) thought was his God-given right to hold forever.
This time instead of Moi’s name as the subject of removal from power it was Ruto’s name in that scary list of leaders who need to be removed from power for the country to move forward.
According to the PSCU news release, the president hosted thousands of young leaders from across the country at State House to discuss the progress of various government youth empowerment programs.
One thing is clear from this. Uhuru Kenyatta is serious about his involvement in the 2022 General Elections and he is taking it to the wire.
Secondly, Uhuru is also committed to reviving Jubilee Party to be a national party and Ruto can keep his UDA and do whatever he wants with it and stay away from Jubilee completely.
Jubilee and ODM are committed to forming an alliance as equals and will bring in other parties to join them to form the Azimio la Umoja Coalition and win the August 2022 Elections.
That is an important development because Ruto was desperate to run against ODM and his initial strategy was to portray Azimio Movement as ODM in disguise. William Ruto is a certified tribalist something his mentor and political godfather Moi also excelled in.
Ruto thought that if he can pin down Azimio as just ODM, a Luo party, in new clothing he would be able to scare off voters from other regions, specifically from Central Kenya where Ruto needs to sweep the polls to win anything.
That hasn’t worked because Raila and Azimio took their movement and its ideas directly to the voters. They did not wait for Ruto to define them. They chose to define themselves to the Kenyan people and that is always very crucial in elections.
Now Ruto has a whole different nightmare to deal with. A few days ago in Kisii when he decided to go on a frontal attack on his boss President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ruto claimed that Azimio and Raila are just Uhuru’s properties and Uhuru is the one running against him using Raila and others as proxies.
In fact, in that rally Ruto dared Uhuru to face him head-on and stop hiding behind all sorts of proxies.
That was a dumb thing for Ruto to say because he knows winning a war against Uhuru is damn near impossible particularly when Uhuru is working with Kenyans all across the country.
But it seems Ruto gets too emotional to even think when his ego is boiling with some rage however mistaken such rage is.
Read: Uhuruto shootout is on. Who wants it? Definitely not Ruto
And talk about messaging Ruto’s ego. This young kid did a wonderful job for that and of course, he paid her back with tears. Susan Kihika tried to join Ruto in the crying stampede but the tears refused to show up. That can be painful. And nobody is doing a poem for poor Mudavadi. They will find one for him.
The kid was talking about Ruto the one sent to Kenya directly by God to assist God in delivering Kenya to heaven. Of course, we know which heaven Ruto is delivering Kenyans to.
I don’t which Kenyans want to go to that “heaven” but I for one if I am going to live with the Big Satan (Obel Sibuth) in his house. I would rather go there by myself and not be carried there on Ruto’s shoulder where I have to sing for Ruto and the Big Satan as well.
Doreen Cheptoo, alias Chibudi Chibude, had this poem to deliver.
May God give you the strength and capacity to overcome your enemy
They kill your name privately but God is about to honour your name publicly
It’s better to have an enemy who honestly says they hate you than to have a friend who’s putting you down secretly
Dr Samoei Ruto, my President to arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you
Dr Samoei Ruto, my prayer and wish that you climb to the top so that they glorify the Lord you’ve been serving
Arise and shine for the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
Back at State House, Uhuru did not mince any words talking to 3,000 young people about the coming elections.
Uhuru on Azimio: We’ve the candidate, twende tuunde serikali
President Uhuru Kenyatta has urged Kenyans to be accommodative of each other saying lack of political inclusivity had for a long time held back the country’s progress.
He advised the youth to be strategic in their desire to ascend to positions of leadership saying young people should actively engage with the ongoing electoral processes.
“As they speak about Jubilee Party’s death, you can also see what the party has been doing. We have been able to achieve much but there are some projects which are not complete, and hence as Jubilee (Party), we are now coming out of the office getting into real politics.
“And because some were politicking while work was ongoing, we have said we want a coalition unit of like-minded parties and together we join Azimio. We have the candidate, we have the resources and the youth are together with us,” the Head of State said.
I don’t recall seeing Uhuru this assertive even in 2013 or 2017 elections. If you are William Ruto, you have every reason to be shaking in your pants seeing Uhuru this aggressive and so determined to get you retired from politics.
Uhuru is putting across a very clear message to Kenyans on the need for a united, peaceful, and prosperous country. If Kenyans agree with that message, Ruto is history and he will have plenty of time to cry all day long.
Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada