We were blessed with one child which was really a good thing to have. She really was the source of joy to our family. Anthony, my husband really enjoyed her company as she was really a jovial person despite a situation that distracted her at any particular time.
As soon as she joined the university, she started complaining of stomach aches each moment. At some point, my husband said it was just signed that she was pregnant but she feared disclosing and so saying she was pregnant was just an excuse. As her mother, I knew well my daughter, and each time she complained, things were actually not good on her side. I made a point of visiting her at the university so as I would identify what she was really going through before things went bad within the shortest time possible.
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I took her to the hospital and the doctors discovered she had grown fibroids in the stomach which was a result of stomach ulcers. They tried their best to ensure that her life was not inhibited by the ulcers and were later discharged from the hospital to go on with her education. After a period of a week, she called again saying that the pain had really started again and it was really difficult to go on with education for she lacked concentration at all. We did the same thing and took her to the hospital together with my husband.
Things this time around were on another level as she even lost the appetite to eat. She was just wailing and rolling by the hospital bed as she said she felt as if something was chopping of her stomach walls each time she stood upright. My husband still insisted that our daughter was pregnant as he even asked her to tell him which was the last time
she had sex but she insisted she was still a virgin.
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We were forced to arrange her deferment from the university for at this rate the condition had compulsively affected her. She had to postpone that semester’s studies. As time went by, things were really not going well as she even could not speak fluently due to the pain. After a while, the hospital bill had pilled and we decided to discharge her so as to take care of her back at home. Things were not going on well as she really did not show signs that she was recovering well.
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