On Christmas Day, two Black South African kids went to a swimming pool to have fun and what happened to them there shocked the world when someone videotaped the frightening experience for the boys in the hands of grown White racists. They were trying to block the boys from getting into the swimming pool, strangling one of them and then trying to drown another one of the boys in the pool while grabbing his neck and sinking him in the water.
Mercifully the boy survived the murder attempt and the matter is now before the South African courts in a White Neighbourhood, where the vile criminal racists will obviously walk free to go do the same thing if they want. The video was captured by a bystander and sent by a woman who claims to be the sister of the victims. So far it has been viewed more than 21 million times.
As of now three white men in involved in this nasty event have been charged with crimes including attempted murder.
The men were trying to prevent the teenagers from swimming, claiming that black people were not allowed in that pool.
In the video, widely viewed on social media in South Africa, the men shouted at the boys and hit them. One of the men pushed one of the boys under water.
Further security video footage shows the men attempting to prevent the teenagers from entering the pool and the group of white people that were swimming at the time leaving the pool as soon as the black teenagers entered it.
As one would expect, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa issued some weak generalized statement about fighting racism in South Africa.
“As black and white South Africans, we should be united in condemning all manifestations of racism and attempts to explain or defend such crimes.
“Racism is not a problem to be fought by black South Africans only,” Mr. Ramaphosa said in a statement.
President Ramaphosa should listen to the Words of Kwame Ture before he talks about racism and violence against black people being just a general problem for everybody.
“If a white man wants to lynch me, that’s his problem. If he’s got the power to lynch me, that’s my problem. Racism is not a question of attitude; it’s a question of power” Stokely Carmichael.
Members of the Economic Freedom Fighters party visited the resort and demanded answers from the manager, who claimed the resort did not have a racial segregation policy.
One would have expected President Ramaphosa to issue a more forceful statement and direct his staff to go visit the area and talk to those running the swimming pool and hold them accountable as well as let everybody in the area know that apartheid and violence by racists against South Africans will not be tolerated in any way, shape or form. But that is surely asking for too much from the South African government of today.
If it was up to me I would get 100 black people swimming in that pool every day for the next three weeks and teach those racists a lesson. If they don’t like it, they can leave and go wherever they can have white-only swimming pools.
One of the greatest South African revolutionaries and freedom fighters in the war to defeat apartheid only next to Nelson Mandela was Chris Hani, a member of the ANC as well as the South African Communist Party and the Commander of Umkonto We Zizwe (Spear of the Nation), the liberation guerilla army against apartheid.
Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Joe Slovo, Ronnie Kasrils, and others watch Hani in action at an SACP rally in 1990.
From 1985 to 1990 just before South Africa liberated itself from Apartheid, Chris Hani and his comrade Mac Maharaj run the Operation Vula which successfully smuggled in South African freedom fighters from all over the world back into the country to launch the military operation which forced F.W de Klerk then Apartheid president of South Africa to sit down with Nelson Mandela and set the plan to burry Apartheid into its rightful grave.
Here is one of the most unsung heroes of the South African struggle, Mac Maharaj one of the architects of Operation Vula which he told the CNN in an interview later, saved South Africa from a bloody war because they suppressed the Apartheid forces who were planning to unleash a blood bath after de-Klerk freed political prisoners in 1990. Operation Vula brought military resistance to Apartheid forces on the ground and they forced de-Klek to the negotiating table with Mandela.
Incidentally, Maharaj was first jailed in Roben Island with Nelson Mandela and they spent time there so they knew each other very well. With Chris Hani and Mac working at the armed level to deal with de-Klerk, South African freedom fighters were finally at a level that the South African government could not ignore.
When Maharaj was smuggled back to South Africa from London to lead Operation Vula, he was actually very sick with a liver infection and had to be given treatment from time to time even to make him be able to move but he was the man with the network to get the operation going and he did.
On April 10, 1993, Chris Hani was assassinated at his home in Dawn Park Boksburg when he was shot and killed in cold blood by a far right-wing racist thug Janusz Walus.
A few days ago the Chief Justice of South Africa granted parole to the Apartheid boy who murdered Chris Hani and he is now a free man in South Africa. So much for the life sentence, he got after trial for assassinating Chris Hani.
When you add all these stuff together with the fact that the ANC government in the South has been a mess since Nelson Mandela died and most of its leadership are merely fighting to avoid jail sentences it becomes obvious why racist South Africans feel so empowered and emboldened.
They pretty much have their apartheid country back except it is now under the leadership of Black South Africans. It is a complete disgrace to South African people and to the whole world that rejected apartheid and racism in South Africa, but the South Africans will overcome that. They have dealt with bigger enemies and won the battles and the wars. The battles today are a continuation of the same.
The whole world knows that if Chris Hani was alive when Nelson Mandela left office, he would have been the automatic successor to the Mandela presidency and that was a terrifying thought to every white South African thinking of subjecting the people to continued underground apartheid. His death was the biggest relief to racists and fascists in South Africa.