
Why Education tops Alai’s 2022 agenda for Nyando

2 mins read

With the August 2022 general elections just months away, candidates are throwing their hats on the ring, for various elective positions. One of them, Robert Alai, has eyes trained on the Nyando parliamentary seat.

On Monday, the vocal blogger explained why he was returning to his constituency to run as MP after having actively participated in national and party politics, both as a voter and an advisor for a number of years.

”While growing up right here, I learnt that it is neither the critic that counts, nor the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or whether the doer of deeds could have done them better—rather, the credit belongs to the man in the arena. Our arena is our constituency,” Alai said.

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In his six-point manifesto, the forty-one-year-old details how he intends to transform Nyando, with Education and IT topping the list as his main agenda.

”Education will be my main agenda as accomplishing much with it will be a great honour to my father who hunted children in our village and ensured that every child who was of age went to school,” he explained.

Alai, raised by a P1 teacher who later rose to be an education administrator, and a mother who was an adult education teacher who resigned to be a housewife and small business trader attributes his life to his father’s insistence on going to school.

”I still remember the Suzuki motorbike which was used to hunt us and take us to school. My father’s insistence on education greatly saved me from destruction,” he added.

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The aspirant has promised Nyando residents he will source bursaries and alternative funding from corporates and partners to guarantee prompt and equitable distribution to needy students.

Apart from Education and IT, other key areas of focus for Alai when he takes over as MP next year include health and agriculture, arts, sports, and the creative economy infrastructure (road and electricity) and security.

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