My good friend in Toronto Canada who often disagrees with me told me. Listen Adongo. Stupidity is not a health condition. It can be fixed.
I listened to her and asked, Okay then how do we deal with this Abu Namwamba “condition”.
He is a Kenyan lawyer who probably has never stepped in a law court in the country who is holding some imaginary football game in his home for Ruto to give trophies and Ruto never even bothers to show up and now he is supposed to be some kind of hero. I don’t get it.
There is a new trick in Kenyan politics invented by Ruto and UDA.
Get young people next to you. Football is a good tool for that. But Beauty contests are even better. And by the way keep paying the boda boda riders and buy a lot of yellow uniforms.
Read: CAS Namwamba joins UDA, set to replace Veronica Maina as SG?
So here is the new Ruto fool meeting all those conditions.
It is very sad and we are surely a better country than these Ruto lunatics think.
We have a country and we are going to keep it.
That is not a big problem.
The nation will redeem itself. No doubt about that.
I see those girls and they remind me of my nieces in college in medical schools and fighting so hard to make a living in the country they really love.
Many cheers for these girls and many cheers for young Kenyan women fighting and struggling to make a living and produce something for their country.
That is where the country is going. We are going to get there. No doubt about.
Keep working. That is all it will take.
Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada