Did Mama Ngina speak for the country?

6 mins read

Mama Ngina, well known to all Kenyans, rarely makes public statements and is widely respected in our country as a person of integrity and with a good heart. She is the mother of the nation for a reason. Kenyans give her a lot of respect and she has richly deserved it.

Speaking in Kiambu, Mama Ngina told Kenyans that President Uhuru means well for the country by supporting Raila Odinga to succeed him in the presidency, and in her words, Uhuru wants to leave Kenyans in safe hands and that is why he supports Raila to succeed him.

Mama Ngina said the President is committed to the future of the region and wants the best for them hence his decision to pick his desired successor.

“Let us love each other, this is our country, let us drive things forward. Let us know where we are going, there is no way your leader can mislead you. Let me tell you, you must know that the person who is sited under a tree is the one who knows what the insects around there are eating,” Mama Ngina said.

Mama Ngina also weighed in on the relationship between Uhuru and his deputy William Ruto.

She said the two were working well until the DP abdicated his duties and focused on his presidential ambitions.

“He (Uhuru) didn’t have a problem (with Ruto), but if your deputy shows you disrespect, would you really stick there? You will move on,” she added.

It is pretty important to Kenyans that Mama Ngina weighed in on the rising attempt to bring tribal and ethnic incitement to the 2022 election platform. It takes courage and a lot of humanity at heart to tell the tribal inciters to leave the country alone.

Kenyans are fine with each other regardless of their tribes or ethnicity. We have overcome that problem as a nation and those who want to drag us back there for their own failing ambitions need to be told they will not succeed.

Read: Jimi Wanjigi, your next president has been launched. Be happy

Mama Ngina noted that the rising cases of abuse among leaders raise eyebrows and should concern Kenyans because there is no place for it in the country.

She urged Kenyans to stick to good morals and resist leaders who are abusive.

“If you were not brought up being taught how to abuse others when growing up at home, even when you go to the public, you cannot be able to abuse others. So let me tell those who are going round abusing others, we will leave them alone if that is how they were taught to be abusive when they were growing up.”

This is the first time in many years Mama Ngina is coming out publicly to speak on political matters affecting the country.

Her son’s endorsement of Raila for the top seat has elicited a huge controversy in the Mt Kenya region with leaders allied to Ruto opposing the move and now getting into outright tribal out shots about oaths and that kind of stuff which is ancient history in our country.

Why do they need to go there? Obvious. They can see they are losing the fair fight.

My advice to them is that it is better to keep losing than to stir up unnecessary problems for the citizens. Take your campaign to them and win or lose the country moves on and you are very much still part of it even in opposition politics.

Some people like to talk about dynasties. The only dynasty Kenyans will never want to see again is the dynasty of oppression and abuse of the rights of all Kenyans. That dynasty still lives among us.

We know the corridors they are hiding at. Kenyans are coming for them. We will relieve them of their duties and hopes to oppress the citizens forever. Kenyans will gladly do that and in fact, they are doing it as the journey goes towards August 9, 2022. The big day.

That dynasty of oppression is the dynasty Raila and Azimio are trying to dump in the dustbin of history where it belongs. Kenyans are putting them there as we speak.

It is all good for the average Kenyan just struggling to make a living, have peace, and a united country to live in. It will be good for all including those who lose the 2022 Presidential and General Elections.

We are in this together. Aren’t we?

“In The Jungle, There is no Right or Wrong.”

Eldridge Cleaver said that from the prison walls in the US as an African American Freedom Fighter in the 1960s.

Adongo Ogony is a Human Rights Activist and a Writer who lives in Toronto, Canada

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