Mudavadi, Karua talks jolt OKA and Mt Kenya Unity Forum

2 mins read

Amani National Congress (ANC) leader Musalia Mudavadi is said to be working round the clock to win over Narc-Kenya leader Martha Karua on his side, for a possibility of the two running on a joint ticket next year. According to reports, members of OKA have been engaging the Mt Kenya Unity Forum, comprising leaders of fringe parties in the Mt Kenya region.

However, this move by Mudavadi and ANC has not been received well by Kalonzo Musyoka’s allies. In the ANC party’s plan, Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka is thrown to the sidelines and will be chairing a redemption council which is to be formed in the coming days.

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”It is true we have been meeting, but this lineup is a fake product.  It is imprudent for anyone to craft such, especially at a time when all the presidential hopefuls are working on their bargaining power. This would completely stall negotiations,” Senate Minority Whip Mutula Kilonzo says.

Borrowed from the ODM party’s Pentagon idea of 2007, the redemption council is expected to have Gideon Moi, Cyrus Jirongo, Moses Wetangula, and Kalonzo Musyoka as principals, supporting the Mudavadi-Karua ticket.

Apart from the Wiper party, former CS Mwangi Kiunjuri who is a member of the Mt Kenya Unity Forum dismissed the reports of talks between Narck Kenya leader Martha Karua and Musalia Mudavadi, saying their group was not a part of such power-sharing formula and that his party (TSP) can only make such a decision through its governing council.

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”That is not something I am aware of. Before TSP gets into such an arrangement, we would have to discuss as a governing council and that has not happened so no one can say we have agreed to anything,” the TSP leader said.

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