
Azimio Leaders Defend Junet Over ODM Fallout Reports

1 min read

ODM lawmakers have defended Suna East Member of Parliament Junet Mohammed after reports emerged on Sunday that there were advanced plans to kick him out of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party. 

Reports had indicated that Junet Mohammed had received a show cause letter over his absence from key ODM meetings. 

Additionally, it was reported in a local daily that should the parliamentarian not justify his absence, he would be stripped of leadership roles in the party. 

Led by ODM Deputy Party Leader Hassan Joho, Azimio politicians regretted that Junet Mohammed was being victimized after campaigning extensively for Raila Odinga during the 2022 presidential election. 

“Completely unnecessary and uncalled for,” the former Mombasa Governor posed.

In support, Makau Mutua who was head of Raila’s presidential secretariat stated, “No truer words have ever been spoken. Kenya does not have a finer patriot than Junet Mohammed.”

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